Advertising with "STYLE KI DUNIYA"
Advertising with "STYLE KI DUNIYA" Rules and Regulations • Your ad may not contain any pornographic or adult material. • We will not advertise the following types of business: cigarettes, cigars, alcohol, or sexual content. • Please read our Acceptable Use Policy and our Privacy Policy before creating an ad. • Style ki duniya must approve your application before we allow you to advertise on our website and we must review your advertisement before it will be placed on our website. • There are certain size limitations for your advertisement if it is in a jpeg format. These limitations will vary depending on what page(s) you will be marketing on. • There is no price difference between a jpeg formatted advertisement and a text only advertisement. • Your advertisement may either be in a jpeg format (picture) or a text format. Flash advertisements are forbidden. • Rules and Regulations can be adjusted accordingly on a case-by-case basis. "Style ki duniya...